Trip destinations
There are many attractive destinations in the vicinity for worthwhile trips. Wonderful cities such as Linz, Salzburg and Vienna offer a broad range of cultural activities.
The Roman Collection in Wallsee
A journey through four centuries, in which the Romans where on site, awaits you in the Museum The story is told using exhibits found in Wallsee. The civilian population also left its mark: fragments of the largest bowls from the Roman Empire are on display.
Monastery Seitenstetten
In the monastery Seitenstetten, between the marble hall, the knights’ chapel and the natural history collection and library, you can feel the power of the various eras in which the Benedictine monastery became the “squared-farm of God”. The beautiful rose garden in front of the monastery is balm for the soul with a collection of well over a hundred, mostly historical rose varieties. Opening times/guided tours: Easter to All Saints’ Day Monastery Seitenstetten, Am Klosterberg 1, 3353 Seitenstetten
Amazing panoramic view over the Mostviertel. Visible from afar, the two-towered baroque church built during the 18th century. Built by Jakob Prandtauer, completed by Josef Munggenast. The frescoes, the treasury and the high altar are particularly worth seeing.
Distillery Farthofer
The mysterious world of the cider pear. The Farthofer family business has fulfilled a long-pursued dream and opened its doors in autumn 2010. The organic premium distiller Josef V. Farthofer has already made a name for himself, both nationally and internationally. The schnapps is distilled with great care, dedication and above all, passion and is even
exported to Japan. In the accompanying shop, the numerous award-winning organic brandies and organic liqueurs, as well as the pear dessert wine “Mostello” and various specialties from the Mostviertel can be tasted. Please check the website for the opening hours.
Immerse yourself in the world of pear.
In the excitingly designed experience and information center near the monastery Ardagger, visitors can learn everything they want to know about the pears from the Mostviertel, the cider and the culinary delights of the Moststraße, in a playful and multi-media way. Playgrounds and resting places in Bartel’s large pear garden. Pleasure salon, shop.
“Discover Austria” The Ostarrichi documentation entitled “Discover Austria” takes you through the history of Austria in seven steps. For example, there is the Ostarrichi certificate, the state treaty and the declaration of accession to the EU on displa. There are separate programs for children. A 3364 Neuhofen/Ybbs, T 07475/590 65
Celtic village in Mitterkirchen on the Danube
Archaeological excavations in Mitterkirchen prompted the reconstruction of a Celtic village from the Hallstatt period. The activity museum provides insights into the Celtic way of life.
Mostviertler Farmer Museum
The lovingly designed museum in the impressive squared-farm supplies the largest private, folkloric collection in Austria. 17,000 exhibits and Toni Distelberger senior tell stories from the rural world. Gigerreith 39, 3300 Amstetten, T 07479/73 34-1
5 E Museum - in Waidhofen
The museum in the renovated Rothschild Castle is dedicated to all 5 elements. From the end of April to the beginning of November, a scientifically sound and historically processed show on the topics of water, wood, fire, earth and metal can be seen. T 07442/511-255
High ropes course & Flying Fox - in Waidhofen
Hook in, build up momentum and head into Tarzan’s world! The Buchenberg climbing park in Waidhofen an der Ybbs includes nine courses and 90 stations – from easy to quite daring. Well-secured and under expert guidance, big and small climbers “scramble” from tree to tree.
In the vicinity of the largest high ropes course in Austria there is also a 3D archery course. The 3D archery course offers an entertaining variety over about 2.5 kilometers and 28 exciting targets.
Zoo Haag City
Animal delight! The 33-hectare park of Schloss Salaberg is home to the zoo Haag – one of the most beautiful recreational areas in Lower Austria. Around 70 native and exotic animal species (around 700 animals) populate the natural park, which allows relaxation, an escape from everyday life, impressive animal observations, knowledge transfer, but also fun for the children.
Observing the big cats, brown bears, camels and baboons is impressive. In addition, interested visitors can expect large animal enclosures for baboons, tigers and alpine ibex, and even a meerkat family calls the Zoo Haag their home. The children’s adventure playground “Adventure World” offers many play-, sports- and skill-stations.
Stillstein gorge near Grein
The gorge in Stillstein is a hiking trail through the gorge of the Gießenbach between Grein and St. Nikola on the Danube. Your hike starts at the hiking information point in Grein opposite to the pier. The well labeled family hiking trail leads through the little Danube town of Grein. Past the granite gallery, petroglyphs (graphic representations carved in stone) accompany you to the entrance to the gorge. Otherwise you can start directly at the entrance (3km downstream from Grein) at the Gießenbach mill. parking lot, public Toilet, at the entrance to the gorge.